WOD 12/9

A. 12:00 E202
Back Squat x2x6 @ :03 Pause
*Goal is to increase from last week

B. In 5:00
Deadlift x2x1 @ 50%
Deadlift x2x1 @ 55%
Deadlift x2x1 @ 60%
Deadlift x2x1 @ 65%
Deadlift x2x1 @ 70%

In 15:00

Deadlift x2x1 @ 75%
Deadlift x2x1 @ 80%
Deadlift x2x1 @ 85%
Deadlift x2x1 @ 90%
Deadlift x2x1 @ 95%

C. Floor Press build to a 3 RM in 10:00

“I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.” –Jimmy Dean