WOD 1/29

Level Two
CrossFit Triathlon
1 Mile Run
100 Wall Balls (20lb, 14lb, 10”)
2K Row
*For time (45:00 cap)

3 Rounds of Mobility/Stability Circuit
1:00 Calf on the wall stretch (:30/Leg)
1:00 Shin on the wall stretch (:30/leg)

Level One
Press, Push Press, Jerk

20:00 AMRAP
5 Touch Jumps Touch Interval
5 Tic Tacs/Side (25lb, 10lb)
5 Unweighted Step-ups/Leg (20”)
5 Renegade Row (Push-up, Row R, Row L = 1)
5 Box Jumps (20”, 12’’-16”)

Drinking diet soda linked to depression
*Post thoughts to comments

“You must not come lightly to the blank page.” – Stephen King

Doug @ CF Classics

AM – Level 2
Aubrey 28:00, RX
Janice 28:23, 10#
Mojo 31:45, 10#
Alex 33:00, 6#
Janet 26:03, 10#
Leah 29:44, RX
Ballet 21:35, 14#
Kyle 21:15, 20#
Brad 18:17, 10#
Aaron 20:24, 14#
Michael 22:57, 20#
Can2 26:10, 10#
Tow Matt 23:18, 14#
Guthrie 23:07, 20#
EJ 34:58, 20#
Ryan 23:25, 20#
Todd 29:10, 14#
Ray 24:11, 20#
Jonathan 27:57, 20#
Kevin 24:53, 14#
Michele 30:20, 6#
Amy 35:19, 6#
Walker 26:35, 10#
Jenny 28:36, 14#
Mer 32:06, 10#
Setni 32:26, 6#
Josie 35:18, 10#
Abby 35:55, 6#
PM – Level 2
Laila 26:40, 10#
Smitty 23:56, 6#
“G” 26:40, 10#
Gabriel 29:39, RX
Cat 31:43, 10#
Taylor 28:21, 6#
Fro 25:42, RX
Henry 29:08, RX
Anthony 35:39, RX
Dayna 25:30, RX
Sean 21:35, RX
King 29:05, RX
Shug 28:09, 6#
Jeanette 26:24, 6#
Cowboy 27:53, RX
Marky Marc 27:34, RX
KT 28:43, 6#
Melissa 26:17, 6#
Robert 25:00, RX
Greg 22:42, RX
Joe Dan 25:43,14#
Sanchez 24:17, RX
George 27:46, RX
Nicole 26:45, 10#
C2 27:50, 6#
Big Easy 28:35, 14#
Patti 29:11, 6#
Parnell 25:35, 14#