WOD 1/30
Level Two
Strict Pull-up x1-2 15:00 EMOM
6 Rounds of 3:00 AMRAP
10 Touch Jump Touch
20 Tic Tacs/Side
30 Double Unders
2:00 Active Recovery
*1:00 Jump Rope / 1:00 Walk
Level One
Handstand Push-up Progressions
2 Rounds of 3:00 AMRAP
5 Wall Balls
5 Push ups
10 Tic Tacs
Rest 3:00
*During Rest Accumulate 20 Pull-ups (Any Kind Strict Kip, Partner)
16 Things You Should Have Never Stopped Doing
*Post thoughts to comments
“Give me the splendid silent sun with all his beams full-dazzling.” – Walt Whitman
AM – Level 1 | |
Carlos | 120 |
Morgan | 100 |
Ed | 150 |
Sarah | 160 |
Kayleen | 140 |
Amanda | 160 |
Alex | 160 |
Vanessa | 160 |
AM – Level 2 | |
Eileen | 240 |
Ruhlin | 600 |
Jessie | 340 |
KJ | 395 |
Schmitty | 475 |
Janet | 486 |
Alex | 480 |
G | 473 |
JV | 410 |
Sparker | 300 |
Kristi | 430 |
Taylor | 481 |
Herr | 440 |
Jillian | 420 |
Guthrie | 490 |
Tow Matt | 540 |
Mego | 521 |
Ballet | 430 |
Ryan | 778 |
PM – Level 1 | |
Jonathan | 140 |
Peter | 120 |
Darrell | 140 |
Savage | 120 |
Leidy | 147 |
Michael | 150 |
Stormey | 205 |
Whitney | 160 |
Erin | 120 |
Garrett | 140 |
Jeff | 160 |
Dallas | 5 & 8 |
Paula | 5 |
Melody | 5 |
Caro | 5 |
Jake | 4 |
PM – Level 2 | |
Dayna | 780 |
Smitty | 720 |
Laila | 724 |
Araceli | 660 |
Adrienne | 651 |
Aubrey | 686 |
Gil | — |
Robert | 652 |
Kiehler | 729 |