WOD 1/4

Buy In/Cash Out
3 Sets of the snatch warm-up

5 Rounds
3 Cleans
1:00 Rest
6-8 Dips/Ring Push-ups/Push-ups
1:00 Rest
*Post weights and notes to comments


3 Rounds
2 Person Team workout
500M Row
Max rounds while Partner Rows of:
5 Handstand Push-ups
15 Squats
*500M row time and max rounds recorded

Never mistake motion for action. -Ernest Hemingway

Why Paleo Builds Awesome Kids
Todays article is for you parents out there, post any comments or hacks you’ve employed to get the kids eating clean

-New weightlifting classes w/ Chad start next Thursday 1/6  (yes they’re on a new day!)
Sign up here!
CrossFit Total Day, January 8th sign up here!
-CFA ladies’ Night is moving to Tuesdays.  Our first ladies night for 2011 will be at Tristy’s house at 7:30pm on January 11th.  We hope to see everyone there!!  811 West Slaughter Lane Apt. 4006, Austin TX 78748.
Free community workout Saturday the 15th! Come and bring a friend!

Austin Gorilla Run January 22nd! Grab a registration form at the gym for a 10% discount good until next Wednesday’s Gorilla Gathering!

AM Results
Row Rounds
Rob 1:39 10 Rx
Nick 1:41 14.5 Rx
Colleen 2:12 15.5 (Push-up)
Tow Matt 1:54 14.5 (Pike)
Gena 2:08 10 Rx
Melicious 2:10 15.5 (Pike)
PM Results
Betsy 1:58 9 (pike)


1:41 6 (Pike)
Cody 1:33 7.5 (Pike)
Cat 2:22 7 (Pike)
Liz 1:46 5.5 (Pike)
G 2:09 9 (Pike)
Winner 2:07 9 (Pike)
Carissa 2:04 9 (Pike)
Vero 2:23 8 (Pike)
Nugget 1:33 13 Rx
Meli 2:12 7 (Pike)
Tasha 2:01 9 (Pike)
Blake 1:42 7 Rx
Jerry 1:48 6.5 Rx
Julie 2:03 5.5 (Pikes)
Sleeves 1:43 5 Rx
Kristin 1:57 (DNF)
Stacey 2:01 9.5 (Pikes)
Kristi 2:14 5.5 (Pikes)
LG 2:20 4 (Pike)
Jenn 2:05 5.5 (Pike)
Chappy 1:55 6.5 (Pike)
Alex 1:42 7 (Pike)
SKipp 1:08 7 (Rom)
On Ramp
Meghan 2
Sam 3
Lucy 3
Senator 2