WOD 2/11

5 Sets
5 Floor Presses @ 30X0
rest :30
DB Side Bends x10/side (Hold one DB at a time)
rest :30
5 Handstand Push-ups
Rest 2:00
*Post weights, and notes to comments


3 Rounds
400 M Run
15 Unbroken OVHD Squats (115lbs, 85lbs)
15 Kipping Pull-ups
15:00 Cap
*Time Recorded

I am not bound to win, but I am bound to be true. I am not bound to succeed, but I am bound to live up to what light I have. -Abraham Lincoln

The Health Lift
*Post thoughts to comments

Come out this Sunday and support Nugget at the Fittest Games!
MARK SISSON is coming to CFA!  Check out details here!!
New Recipes have been added to the CFA Recipes tab.  Check them out
Chad Vaughn’s Training Invitational is tomorrow.  For more information, go here

AM Results
Nick 10:28 (95lbs)
Darlene 11:58 (45lbs, B)
Fro 12:05 (75lbs)
9am 13:51 (65lbs, B)
Kirk 11:34 (65lbs)
Jerry 11:54 (75lbs)
Tall “D” 15:00 (55lbs, B)
Sam 14:59 (35lbs, B)
Kristin 13:40 (35lbs, B)
Christy 13:03 (45lbs)
Betsy 11:49 (53lbs)
Blake 13:13 (95lbs)
Geno 14:21 (75lbs)
Danielle 12:10 (15lbs, B)
Senator 14:55 (35lbs, J)
Heather 14:14 (15lbs, B)