WOD 2/11

Mobility of the Day

All Levels
Partner WOD
20 Minutes (:30 on/:30 off)
MB Wall Ball
MB Sit up throws to Partner
MB Supermans
Push ups
* Record Reps and MB weight


  • Don’t forget! Sign-up for the CrossFit Games Open has started! Click here to sign up and represent CFA!
  • We will have a New Member Orientation Seminar next Wednesday (2/15). Learn more and sign up here!
All Levels – AM
Brangela 547, 10lb
Superman 382, 10lb
Newbies 320, 6lb
A-Team 360, 6lb
Wall Ballers 431, 10lb
Ouch 715, 10lb
BTY 656, 10lb/6lb
Honey Badgers 476, 6lb
CG 516, 10lb
Figsam 606, 14lb
KB 573, 6lb
MJ 522, 6lb
Balls 2 the Wall 604, 14lb