WOD 2/15

**Olympic Class Schedule Change Starts Next Week!**
New times are 12:00pm, 4:00pm, 5:00pm, 6:00pm, and 7:00pm (this will continue to be the pre-requisite class on the first Wednesday of every month).

All Level
A1. DB SA Snatch Rotations x4/arm x4 @75% Rest :30
A2. Wrestler Bridge x6x4 Rest :30
A3. Kneeling MB Soccer Throw x10x4 Rest :30

For Time
500m Row
Thrusters (45lb, 35lb)
Pull Ups
*Cap 10:00

Rest 3:00

For Time
500m Row
Wall Ball
Ring Rows
*Cap 10:00

“Five Reasons Fish Oil Will Make You Stronger, Leaner & Healthier”
Post thoughts to comments

“Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.” – Thomas Jefferson

AM – All
Janice 7:22 9:43
Can2 6:48 8:49
Big Spoon 4:56
Carlos 8:00
Mitch 7:15 9:43
Alex 7:51 9:58
Brad 5:13 7:05
Jeff 5:14 8:07
Kiehler 4:58 7:51
Tow Matt 5:11 7:41
Ed 7:54 9:42
Ebelia 7:37 9:35
Michele 6:54 8:35
Ryan 4:54 6:24
Ballet 6:51 8:17
Nick 8:00 9:06
Amy 8:21 9:21
Mer 5:50 7:37
Dallas 5:11 6:45
Cat 5:49 6:54
Ken 5:33 8:03
Nic 3:46 5:48
12P – All
Gil 4:51
Sanchez 5:47 8:41
Laila 6:11 6:59
E-Rod 6:30 7:16
Daniel 5:44 6:54
Amber 6:54 8:48
Cameron 7:03
Jonathan 5:27 6:35