WOD 2/17

All Levels
Power Snatch + OVHD Squat x2+3×5

10 DB Thrusters (55 lb, 35 lb)
5 Hand stand push ups
10 DB Thrusters (55 lb, 35 lb)
5 Hand Stand Push ups


  • Don’t forget! Sign-up for the CrossFit Games Open has started! Click here to sign up and represent CFA. Workouts start next week!
  •  CFA will have a Happy Hour on March 1st at 7pm at Little Woodrows in South Park Meadows.  Come out to meet and mingle with friends – new and old!
  • Best of luck to all of our competitors in this weekend’s Austin Marathon & Half Marathon! 

All Leves – AM
Mike 10:51
Beast 10:33
Mikey 9:45
MegO 14:23
Prof 11:34
Kristin 10:36
Lane 9:13
Ballet 8:39
Rob 9:22
Faraon 11:11
Sherman 11:28
Raj 11:07
Schittone 10:37
Jason 9:43
Wade 9:44
Caitlyn 11:13
MGJ 12:04 (Row)
Valyn 11:18
Tow Matt 10:45
Kiehler 8:54
Hector 9:17
Lee 9:35
Snooki 9:11
Blake 9:22
Ray 9:22
Emily MOD
Alan 10:38 (Row)
Mer 10:06 (Row)
All Levels – 12P
Laila 8:52
Gabriel 9:53
Ed 11:24
Monk 12:04
Melissa 10:08
Trixsi 8:54
Jenn 11:09
Rocky 11:50
Desiree 11:43
Anna 11:18