WOD 2/2

Buy In/Cash Out
2x :90/Side  Side Planks
2×10-15 Narrow Push-ups

Hip Cleans
*Rest 1:00 b/t 5s
*Rest 3:00 b/t 3s
*Change weights, foam roll, or stretch during rest time
*Post weights to comments


4 Rounds  
10 Kip Pull-ups
10 Box Jumps (24″, 20″)
10 Unbroken Thrusters (95 lb, 65 lbs)
3:00 Rest
*Total time recorded

A man’s true state of power and riches is to be in himself. -Henry Ward Beecher

No such thing as a macronutrient: Fats
*Post thoughts to comments

New Recipes have been added to the CFA Recipes tab.  Check them out here!
Chad Vaughn’s Training Invitational on Feb. 12th.  For more information, go here and you can sign up for his new round of Weightlifting Classes here!

Smaller board, Big PR’s

AM Results
Mike 14:07 Rx
Page 15:37 Rx
Annie 15:37 (35lbs, J)
Keith 15:51 (65lbs, J)
Elizabeth 16:11 (35lbs, BB)
Kirk 14:15 Rx
Tow Matt 15:26 (85lbs)
Andrew 17:06 (65lbs, GB)
Danielle 16:29 (25lbs, BB)
Sam 19:56 (45lbs, BB)
Ray 13:55 (75lbs)
Melicious 15:08 (45lbs, RB)
Juan Carlos 15:44 (75lbs)
Senator 17:39 (35lbs, J)
Zoom 18:34 (35lbs, +24″)
PM Results
Patrick 13:10 Rx
Cody 13:27 (1 leg, 16″)
David 16:00 (BB)
G. 15:55 (50 lb)
Winner 16:18 (45 lb)
Cat 16:08 Rx
Crash 17:18 (J,45 lb)
Liz 17:29 Rx
JJ 16:32 (20″, 50  lb)
Stacey 12:40 + 75 lb, 24″
Tristy 14:46 (MOD)
Andee 16:03 (J, 25 lb)
Boone 12:30 Rx
Alex 15:02 Rx
Daine 15:11 (75lb, Band)
Anthony 15:24 (45lb, Band, 20″)
Prince 15:25 (65lb, Band)
Mike 15:25 (75lb, Band)
Nick 15:40 (65lb)
Megan 15:59 (45lb, Band)
Kavi 16:04 (75lb, Band)