WOD 2/21

Mobility of the Day

Level Two

A1. Muscle-up Wave 8-4-2-8-4-2 Rest :60
A2. TnG Power Cleans Wave 8-4-2-8-4-2  Rest :60
*Post Notes to comments.

5:00 AMRAP
5 Deadlifts (Heavy)
10 Box Jumps (24”,20”)
*Post reps and DL weight

Level One (Day 5)

Ring Dips

3 Rounds (3:00 on/ 1:00 off)
200 M Run
5 Wall Balls
5 Push-ups
5 Sit-ups w/ MB
*Record total rounds
*When the second rounds starts, athletes should start where they finished in round one

It is easier to fight for one’s principles than to live up to them. -Alfred Adler

Bright Veggies
*Post thoughts to comments


  • Don’t forget! Sign-up for the CrossFit Games Open has started! Click here to sign up and represent CFA. Workouts start this week!
  •  CFA will have a Happy Hour on March 1st at 7pm at Little Woodrows in South Park Meadows.  Come out to meet and mingle with friends – new and old!
Congratulations to Austin Marathon and Half Marathon Finishers Jonathan De Leon, Suzi Alderete, Erica Cuellar, and Jeff Partida! Way to go, y’all!
Level 1 – AM
Jamiee 4
John 4
Nelson 4
Wade 6
Faraon 6
Mischka 4
Level 2 – AM
Steven 155lb 4
Mike 155lb 5
Snooki 110lb 6
Brandon 135lb 4
Chris 125lb 6
Janice 125lb 5
JV 105lb 4
Professor 65lb 3
Stephanie 145lb 3
MegO 85lb 3
Jackie 115lb 4
Valyn 71lb 4
Becky 87lb 4
Charlie G 165lb 3
MGJ 165lb 3
Sarah 85lb 4
Michael 165lb 5
Michele 35lb 3
Ballet 165lb 4
9AM 210lb 4
Schittone 175lb 4
Can2 250lb 5
Kirk 225lb 5
Ladies’ – AM
Emily MOD 5
Chapel 95lb DNF
Level 1 – 12P
Jenn 5
Taylor 5
Desiree 5
Stefan 4
Brittani 5
Melissa 5
Level 2 – PM
Eric 260lb 5
Nic 235lb 7
G 90lb 4
Cat 207lb 3
Winner 95lb 4
Heather 85lb 5
Marissa 115lb 5
Randy 185lb 3
Dan 185lb 5
Lance 245lb 4
Sherman 215lb 4
Jesse 155lb 4
Chaz 225lb 5
Kaz 155lb 5
Dillard 255lb 5
Jackson 175lb 5
Shug 117lb 3
David 185lb 4
Anthony 125lb 4
Gary 135lb 4
Jordan 125lb 3
Mike 125lb 6
Donna 85lb 6
LaRosa 115lb 4
Sleeves 265lb 6
Josie 115lb 4
Fro 245lb 5
Mrs. Fro 85lb 3
Sanchez 165lb 5
Andy 165lb 4
Uzi 205lb 4
Greg 205lb 6
Chrissy 115lb 5
Nicole 70lb 6
Ruffino 65 4
Leah 115lb MOD
Irl 115lb 3
Kavi 155lb 4