WOD 2/22

Buy In/Cash Out
3×8 DB Extensions
3×8 Side Bends (One DB)

Make-up Day
Clean to Thruster
No Bands
Bis and Tris
Touch and Go

Strength WOD:
Press:  4×2 @ 10×0
Squat:  6×2 @ 40×0
*Take 6 sets to build to a comfortable 2RM, but do not go to failure
*Rest between sets should increase as the load becomes heavier

Deadlift Clusters @80%, rest :60 b/t @ 85%, rest :75 b/t
*Attempt 1-3 Handstand Push-ups or Standard Pushups between reps

5 Rounds
400 M Run
30 Box Jumps (24″, 20″)
30 Wall Balls (20lbs, 15lbs)

We can’t help everyone, but everyone can help someone. -Ronald Reagan

9 Steps #2
*Post thoughts to comments

IT’S TIME FOR SPRING CLEANING AT CFA!  Take your jackets, gloves, water bottles, shirts, pants, shorts, sunglasses, etc. home, or they will be donated to Goodwill.  We will be making donations on February 27th, so you have until the 26th to take it all home.  Jump ropes can stay at the gym, but they need to go on the jump rope rack (if you don’t want your rope mixed with the masses, please take it home.)

AM Results
Tow Matt F 6 Rx
Sam M 468 (45lb, S)
Angela M 724 (20lb, S)
Letty W :54 (DNF)
Colleen W :55 (75lb)
Amy F 4 (Jump, K)
PM Results
Carissa CC 28:42
Darlene CC 29:10
Nick CC 24:58 Rx
Heather M 55 lb, 25 lb, 712
Andee F 7 (J, K)
Veronica S
Rookie S
Leigh CC 24:02 Rx
Skipper F
Geno CC 35:45 (S)
Cody S
G. S
Kirk S
Pat S
Christy S
Kristin S
Stacey CC 22:55 Rx
Nuggett CC 21:42 Rx
Jeannette S
Blake CC 27:01 Rx
Mark S
Ryan T
Sleeves CC 24:08 Rx