WOD 2/22
Level Two
A1. Unbroken Wall Balls x10x5 Rest :30
A2. Tic Tacs x10/side x5 Rest :30
A3. Jump Rope x20 x5 Rest :30
Rest 5:00
B1. Push-ups xAMRAP (-4) x5 Unbroken Rest :30
B2. Unbroken Sit-ups x15 x5 Rest :30
B3. Row x1:00×5 @ 60% effort Rest 3:00
*Post notes to comments
Level One (Day 5)
Ring Dips
3 Rounds (3:00 on/ 1:00 off)
200 M Run
5 Wall Balls
5 Push-ups
5 Sit-ups w/ MB
*Record total rounds
*When the second rounds starts, athletes should start where they finished in round one
Procrastination is opportunity’s assassin. – Victor Kiam
Does Caffeine Dehydrate You?
*Post thoughts to comments
- Don’t forget! Sign-up for the CrossFit Games Open has started! Click here to sign up and represent CFA (registration has been extended through Sunday, 2/26). Workouts start this week!
- CFA will have a Happy Hour on March 1st at 7pm at Little Woodrows in South Park Meadows. Come out to meet and mingle with friends – new and old!
- Good luck to Jessica (“G”) and Sameer (“Rocky”) as they run from the masses during tomorrow’s Zombi Race!
Level 1 – AM | |
Jordan | 30 |
Mischka | 20 |
Eileen | 25 |
Sandy | 20 |
Raj | 20 |
Doug | 25 |
Jurkash | 25 |
Adam | 30 |
Paul | 25 |
Level 2 – AM | |
Celi | |
JV | |
Snooki | |
Mikey | |
Professor | |
Brandon | |
Marissa | |
Elizabeth | |
Beast | |
Rocky | |
Rob | |
Tow Matt | |
Reis | |
Ballet | |
Schittone | |
Erica | |
Charlie G | |
Dusty | |
Lee | |
Level 2 – 12P | |
Mer | |
Thurst | |
Ty | |
Heather | |
Ryan | |
Jess | |
Level 2 – PM | |
Sherman | |
Cat | |
Blake | |
Josie | |
Lance | |
Jason | |
Monk | |
Bryan | |
Kiehl | |
G | |
Kaz | |
LG | |
Ben | |
Jackson | |
Martin | |
David | |
Ruffino | |
ABC | |
AG | |
Jenna | |
Ross | |
KT | |
Young | |
Gold | |
Veronica | |
Greg | |
Lane | |
Jewels | |
Zoom | |
Mad Dog | |
Teeny | |
Nicole | |
Level 1 – PM | |
Laila | 7 |
Ed | 4 |
Odindu | 5 |
Jason | 6 |
DC | 2 |
Linda | 4 |
Beth | 4 |
Cooey | 4 |
Alan | 5 |
Flury | 5 |
Adrian | 5 |