WOD 2/24

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Warrior Wednesday!!!

From the final day of the Midwestern Sectional Competition:

“The 54321 WOD”
For Reps:
5 minutes of Rowing for calories
4 minutes of Box Jumps for reps (20/24)
3 minutes of hang squat snatches for reps (45/75)
2 minutes of wall balls for reps (10 ft high)
1 minute of Handstand Push-ups for reps

*Today’s WOD will take close to the entire class time. Please arrive a few minutes early if you need extra time to warm-up.

Not all treasure is silver and gold, mate. -Captain Jack Sparrow

Training Volume

– Olympic Weightlifting clinics w/ Chad Vaughn start March 10th, Reserve your spot now!
– Jorts jog Pub Run starts Friday 6:30 PM @ Auditorium Shores


AM Results
Rob vs Walker (Rob: 185 Rx to 166 Rx)
Kirk vs Ray vs Amber (Kirk: 167 Rx to 162 Rx to 158)
Ariel vs Kim vs Michelle (Ariel: 157 to 145 to 152 MOD)
Tow Matt vs Kiehler (Tow Matt: 200 to 192)
PM Results
Sherman 187 Rx
Ryan 197 Rx
Tristy 201 Rx
Claire 179
Cat 141
G 169 Rx
Tasha 143
Blake 184 Rx
Patrick 189
Stacey 232 Rx
Betsy 172 Rx
Shanan 217
Laura 183
Alex 178
Aubrey 187
Cynthia 178
Boone 240 Rx
Stephen 221
Sabrina 150
On Ramp
Melanie 6:31
Mandy 7:25
Fro 7:53
Cody 6:05
Lover Boy 5:59
Adam 5:41