WOD 2/7

Buy In/Cash Out

6 Sets
1+2 Hip Clean+Hang Clean (from knee)
:30 Rest
AMRAP Push-ups (-3)
2:00 Rest
*Post weights and best push-up sets to comments


5 Rounds
10 Unbroken Thrusters
200 M Sprint
5 Strict CTB Chin-ups (add weight if able)
15 Flutter Kicks (R,L=1)
1:00 Rest
*chin-up weight, thruster weight, and total time recorded

Sports do not build character, they reveal it. -John Wooden

*Post thoughts to comments

MARK SISSON is coming to CFA!  Check out details here!!
New Recipes have been added to the CFA Recipes tab.  Check them out
Chad Vaughn’s Training Invitational on Feb. 12th.  For more information, go here

AM Results
Mike 13:02 (95lbs)
Andrew 17:07 (45lbs, Band)
Mego 16:55 (25lbs, Ring Rows)
Elizabeth 14:56 (35lbs, Band)
Mikey 15:06 (45lbs, Band)
Nick 14:30 (95lbs, +20lbs)
Jerry 13:53 (75lbs, Chin over)
Chaz 13:33 (75lbs)
Kirk 13:57 (85lbs)
9am 16:36 (65lbs, Band)
Bill 17:14 (MOD)
Ray 14:26 (75lbs)
Ginger 17:13 (25lbs, Ring Row)
Tannifer 17:16 (35lbs, Band)
Rookie 14:28 (75lbs, Band)
Danielle 14:14 (25lbs, Band)
Jables 14:38 (55lbs, Band)
Sleeves 14:41 (105lbs, Jumping CTP PU)
Betsy 14:54 (75lbs, Band)
Heather 16:44 (45lbs, Band)
PM Results
Colleen 14:08 (35lb, RR)
Cody 15:17 (95lb)
Blake 15:11 (105lb)
Jeanette 14:23 (35lb, B)
G 15:09 (50lb, B)
Allie 16:35 (35lb, B)
Winner 13:55 (45lb, B)
Liz 17:13 (65lb, B)
Geno 14:12 (85lb)
Stacey 13:01 (75lb, COB)
Carissa 13:01 (50lb, B)
Christy 13:41 (50lb, B)
Miguel 12:45 (115lb, +35lb)
Elena 13:15 (25lb, B)
Skipper 13:12 (65lb)
JJ 17:00 (50lb, B)
Prince 15:03 (65lb, RR)
Anthony 16:30 (45lb, RR)
Kavi 14:31 (65lb, B)
Schittone 14:46 (65lb)
Jen 14:25 (53lb, B)
Zoom 15:27 (37lb, B)
Megan 15:15 (35lb, B)
JC 14:05 (75lb)
Michael 15:59 (75lb, B)
Alex 14:23 (85lb)
Teenie 14:59 (25lb, RR)
On Ramp
Jack’s Smacks 4:55
J2 5:59
Red Team 4:45