WOD 2/7

Mobility of the Day

Level Two
A1. Muscle-up Wave 3-2-1-3-2-1 rest :60
A2. TnG Power Cleans Wave 3-2-1-3-2-1 @ 70-80% Rest :60
*Post Notes to comments


1200m Run
40 KB Russian Swings (24K, 16K)
20 Box Jumps (24”, 20”)
10 TnG Deadlifts @ 50%- 55%

Level One (Day 10)
Toes to Bar
Box Jumps

5 Rounds
5 Box Jumps (step down)
20 Singles
20 Singles
*Total time recorded

We are all gifted. That is our inheritance. -Ethel Waters

Why Exercise is so important
*Post thoughts to comment


  • Don’t forget! Sign-up for the CrossFit Games Open has started! Click here to sign up and represent CFA!
  • Hip, hip, hooray! We’ve added new class times! You can now get your sweat on with us at 5:30 am (All levels) and 5:30 pm (*Level 2, Open gym) on Fridays. 

Level 1 – AM
Lexi 4:33
Mischka 6:48
Faraon 6:10
Suzi 6:11
Jon 6:30
Michael 6:42
Level 2 – PM
Snooki 9:08 (12K)
Janice 9:37 Rx
Ivan 9:47 Rx
J-Black 10:19 (16K, SU)
JV 10:14 (12K)
Elizabeth 10:22 (12K)
Erica 8:27 Rx
JJ 13:00 (16K)
Can2 9:43 Rx
Kirk 9:09 Rx
Kristin 10:29 Rx
Sarah 9:20 (MOD)
Cindy 9:47 (MOD)
Bryan 9:17 (20K)
Charlie G 10:03 (16K)
9AM 11:03 Rx
Schittone 9:10 (16K)
Becky 10:34 (SU)
MegO 13:38 (12″)
TowMatt 10:37 Rx
Chris 8:38
Michael 8:45 Rx
Ty 9:30
Ray 8:54
Paddy 10:14 Rx
Ladies’ – AM
LV 10:10 Rx
Caitlyn 11:16 Rx
Meg 11:35 Rx
Chapel 13:41 (12K)
Emily 13:38 (12K)
Josie 13:26 (12K)
Level 1 – 12P
Brittani 6:30
Stefan 6:38
Desiree 5:35
Cat 7:00
Sarah 7:37
Level 2 – PM
Turk 6:44 Rx
Marissa 7:58 Rx+ 24″
Eric 8:32 Rx
Danimal 8:27 Rx
Cat 10:54 Rx
G 9:55 Rx
Winner 10:38 Rx
Sherman 10:20 (SU)
Nic 6:34 Rx
Dave 10:10 Rx
Kiehler 8:23 Rx
Shemo 9:26 Rx
Geck 9:41 (20k)
Jables 8:58 Rx
Shug 11:19 Rx
Gary 9:30 Rx
Lane 8:19 Rx
Dain 8:25 Rx
Carissa 9:05 Rx
AG 8:41 Rx
Dillard 9:06 Rx
Greg 7:14 Rx
Sleeves 6:51 Rx
Zoom 9:51 Rx
MLS 9:51 Rx+ 24″
Andy 8:42 Rx
Mad Dog 9:33 Rx
Helen 9:25 (20lb)
ABC 9:50 Rx