WOD 2/9

5 Sets
3 Snatch Push Press+ 3 Overhead Squats
1:00 Rest
10-8-6-4-2 CTB Kip Pull-ups
:90 Rest


7 Rounds
2:00 AMRAP
5 Push Press
5 Sumo Deadlift
2:00 Rest
M: 75lbs, W: 55lbs

Thoughts on the USDA’s new dietary guidelines
*Post thoughts to comments

MARK SISSON is coming to CFA!  Check out details here!!
New Recipes have been added to the CFA Recipes tab.  Check them out
Chad Vaughn’s Training Invitational on Feb. 12th.  For more information, go here

AM Results
Mego 17 (25lbs)
Mike 27 Rx
Elizabeth 23 (35lbs)
Melicious 27 Rx
C.C. 20 (MOD)
Tannifer 24 (35lbs)
Tow Matt 28 Rx
Ray 28 (65lbs)
Michael 24 (65lbs)
Rookie 30 (65lbs)
Juan Carlos 22 (65lbs)
PM Results
Cody 32 Rx
Patrick 31 Rx
Crash 26 (35lb)
Colleen 28 (40lb)
David 34 Rx
G 21 Rx
Tasha 19 Rx
Cat 26 Rx
Liz 32 Rx
Zoom 12 (57lb)
Mark 7 (35lb)
Winner 18 Rx
Joe 18 (45lb)
Kirk 28 Rx
Boone 31 Rx
Prince 22 (55lb)
Andee 34 (35lb)
Jenn 23 (95lb)
Kaz 21 (55lb)
Kristi 27 (35lb)
Schittone 22 (65lb)
Christy 22 (45lb)
Megan 22 (45lb)
Kavi 23 (65lb)
Aubrey 23 Rx
On Ramp
Jack 3:01
Vanessa 3:11
Sanjay 3:24
Jesse 3:33
Jessica 3:36
Jennifer 3:52