WOD 3/1

All Levels
A1. KB Swings x10x3 Rest :30
A2. Goblet Squats x10x3 Rest 1:30

4 Rounds
500m Row
10 Toes to Bar
10 Wall Ball

The Worst Exercise Excuses
*Post thoughts to comments

No matter who you are, no matter what you do, you absolutely, positively do have the power to change.   – Bill Phillips


Plank-Off Winner Buck @ 6:02.  Record recently retired by Michael Page coming in at 6:30!!  Melissa still representing for the ladies at 4:39! Who will be our next Plank-Off Record Holder?!

Buck at a 6:03 plank time!!!   New record set by Michael Page at 6:30!! Melissa still holding strong for the ladies at 4:39! Who will be the next CFA Plank-Off Record Holder?!

Level 2 3 RM DL 1 RM W Chin-Up Burpee AMRAP
Mer 205 40 (S1) 86
Jenny 185 0 (Rx) 107
Nicole 170 1 (Rx), 40 (S1) 105
Aubrey 195 25 (S1) 89
Amy 145 20 (S1)  71
Michele 185 0 (S1) 80
Jenny 135 15 (S1) 88
Laila 185 25 (S1) 74
Jonathan 325 90 (Rx) 132
All Levels
Jillian 15:02
9AM 15:59
Kara 15:19
Kristi 16:16
Schmidty 15:36
Carlos 15:41
Michael 13:37
Russel 12:45
Denise 17:42
Nick 14:59
Simon 16:45
Ed 17:29
Tow Matt 13:25
Ryan 13:08
Kyle 13:19
E-Rod 12:57
Allison 13’ish
49er 11:15
Anne 13:02
Amber 13:09
Snick 12:17
Suzi 12:40
Ruth 11:20
Daniel 11:21
Andre 13:13
Gill 10:30
Jacobi 11:32
Sanchez 10:29
Walker 15:41
Alex 16:40
Jackie 16:36
Buck 13:18
Paula 18:07
Dustin 15:16
Johnny 14:36
Cat 15:29
Kayleen 19:10
Whitney 18:49
Dave 13:38