WOD 3/13
A. In 10:00 Build to a max or near max (85-95%) Clean and Jerk
6:00 E2O2
3 C&Js @ 50-60%
B. 8:00 AMRAP
10 clean and jerks @ 155 / 95 / 65
Then max rounds with the remaining time:
6 Left, 6 right, single arm Russian KBS @ 24K / 16K / 12K
6 goblet squats (same)
4 reps of 15′ out, 15′ back lateral shuffle with line touch
6 ring push-ups
2:00 Rest
8:00 AMRAP
10 clean and jerks @ 155 / 95 / 65
Then max rounds with the remaining time:
6 Left, 6 right, single arm Russian KBS @ 24K / 16K / 12K
6 goblet squats (same)
4 reps of 15′ out, 15′ back lateral shuffle with line touch
6 ring push-ups
*total rounds combined in both amraps is your final score.
Scaling Guide:
– 7 – 10 rounds, about 1:30 per round after the clean and jerks.
– Scale Up: Kb hang snatches instead of swings and 10/6 ring dips instead of push-ups.