WOD 3/15
A. 15:00 EMOM
Min 1 – 3 Power Clean
Min 2 – 3 WTD Strict Pull-up
Min 3 – Rest
*build to a max weight in both mvmts, weights recorded
B. 8 minute AMRAP
Hang Power Cleans @ 95 / 65 / 35
40′ bear crawl (20′ out and 20′ back, each 20′ counts as a ‘rep’)
(e.g. 2 hang power cleans, 2 toes-to-bar, 40′ bear crawl, 4 HPC, 4 T2B, 40′ bear crawl, 6 HPC, 6 T2B, 40′ bear crawl, etc.)
*total reps recorded
Optional ‘Cash Out’:
2 Rounds AFAP
15 Pull-ups
20 Wall Balls
Scaling Guide:
80 – 200 reps