WOD 3/17

Buy In/Cash Out
Gymnastics WOD or Side Planks 3 x :60/Side

5 Rounds
3-5 Strict Pull-up (Rings, or Bar)
rest 1:00
6-8 Supermans @ 4022
rest 1:00


4 Rounds
400 M Run
15 Push-ups
10 Front Squats (135 lb, 95 lb)

Athletic competition clearly defines the unique power of our attitude. -Bart Starr

Cooking with fats
*Post thought to comments

-Make sure you get your body comp retested this week!
-April 30th, CFA is hosting Carl Paoli’s Gymnastic Seminar. Here is more information

Entry 3 Kavi’s Classic Times Square Push-up Man

AM Results
Nick 12:07 Rx
Jerry 13:25 (115lbs)
Tow Matt 13:59 (95lbs)
Erica 15:45 (45lbs)
MG Jenny 15:324 (AD, 35lbs)
Kristin 16:57 (65lbs)
Sam 17:45 (65lbs)
Walker 15:25 (65lbs)
Stacey 11:53 Rx
Rob 13:51 Rx
Mego 17:45 (35lbs)
PM Results
Joe 14:57 (75lbs)
Sherman 16:40 (115lbs)
Cat 17:18 (85lbs)
Hal 15:59 (65lbs)
Nugget 9:50 Rx
Sleeves 11:58 Rx
Kaz 12:13 (75lbs)
Geno 15:06 (row)
Blake 12:31 Rx
Randy 14:42 (65lbs)
Fro 13:35 Rx
Jordan P. 14:48 (35lbs)
Jeanette 12:35 (35lbs)
Leigh 12:38 Rx
Carissa 13:14 (67lbs)
Skipper 13:35 (95lbs)
Kavi 13:48 (95lbs)
Jenn 13:39 (75lbs)
J.V. 13:45 (35lbs)
Heather 14:12 (45lbs)