WOD 3/18

Buy In/Cash Out
Gymnastics WOD or Side Planks 3 x :60/Side

5 Sets
Power Jerk+Split Jerk 2+1
Rest 3:00
*Post Weight, Notes to comments


3 Rounds
15 American KB Swings
*Times recorded

Your life is what your thoughts make it. -Marcus Aurelius

Primal Tools
*Post thoughts to comments

-Make sure you get your body comp retested this week!
-April 30th, CFA is hosting Carl Paoli’s Gymnastic Seminar. Here is more information

Push-up Baby

3D Push-up Man

Times Square Push-up Man
Cast your votes in the comments!

AM Results
Teeny 3:48 (F. Pike, 12K)
Melicious 5:56 (F. Pike)
9am 6:18 (B. Pike)
Kirk 6:46 (B. Pike)
Leigh Leigh (B. Pike)
MG Jenny 6:14 (DB Press, 12K)
Krump 3:42 (B. Pike)
Ray 5:12 (B. Pike, 16K)
Tall “D” 6:16 (B. Pike, 16K)
Sam 5:00 (B. Pike, 16K)
Michael 4:09 (B. Pike)
Tow Matt 4:39 (B. Pike)
Kavi 5:03 (B. Pike, 16K)
Letty 5:39 (F. Pike, 12K)
Christy 3:43 (B. Pike, 12K)
Crash 6:00 (Pike, 12K)
Betsy 4:28 (Pike)
Jesse 5:54 (Pike, 16K)