WOD 3/24
A. Hang Clean and Jerk x2x5 by feel Every :90
B. Snatch DL x3x5 by feel Every :90
C. 45 Thrusters @ 95 lb, 65 lb for time
*Time recorded
Skill: Clean
A. Clean x2x5
B1. Press x2x5 (Test)
B2. RDL x5x5
5×1 min AMRAP w/ 2 min rest
5 Burpees
5 Swings
“If you set goals and go after them with all the determination you can muster, your gifts will take you places that will amaze you.” -Les Brown
Foundations – AM | |
Victor | |
Emily | |
Performance – AM | |
Ivan | 2:12 |
Braden | 3:25 |
Ken | 4:00 |
Sissy | 5:21 |
Sarah | 3:58 |
Humberto | 3:45 |
Melanie | 4:30 rx |
Brian | |
Josh | 3:27 |
Gage | 2:58 |
Matt | 5:25 |
Vy | 2:11 |
Ian | 2:28 |
Shauna | 5:05 |
Red | 5:25 |
Cynthia | 4:17 |
Jillian | 3:18 rx |
Gilbert | 4:05 |
Schittone | 3:04 |
Page | 2:15 |
Ballet | 2:20 |
Jose | 5:45 |
Tom | 3:19 |
Andy | 4:31 |
Kay | 6:44 rx |
Jenny | 4:49 rx |
Mercy | 4:53 rx |
Performance – Noon | |
Mer | 3:20 |
Brooks | 3:05 rx |
Nicole | 4:53 |
Foundations – PM | |
Amy | |
Brande | |
Chris | |
Performance – PM | |
Joy | 4:06 |
Vince | 7:27 |
Matt | 3:48 |
Sean | 4:41 |
Janet | |
Kline | |
Nick | 4:06 |
Taylor | 4:42 |
Jess | 3:57 rx |