WOD 3/25
Level 2
A. Strict Chin-ups x6-8×4 @ 22×1 Rest :00
4 Rounds
6 DB Push Press @ 55#/35#
20 M Skip AFAP
Rest 2:00
4 Rounds
8 Box Jumps AFAP
Rest 2:00
Level 1 (Test Day)
Skill: Kipping Pull-up/Jumping Pull-up
A1. Press x8x4
A2. Front Squat x8x4
*Focus on Mechanics and Technique, not weight
3 Rounds
25 Wall Ball
10 Pull-ups
1 min Rest
Nutrition Myths You Need to Stop Believing
*Post thoughts to comments
“What is popular is not always right; what is right is not always popular.” – Albert Einstein
AM – Level 2 | |
Guthrie | |
Ben | 13.5 |
Kara | S |
Big Spoon | 10 |
9AM | 20 |
J-Mo | 16 |
Jackie | 19.5 |
Lindsey | 9.75 |
Ken | 18 |
Ballet | 13.5 |
Michele | 16 |
Kyle | 12.5 |
Tow Matt | 14 |
Ray | 12.5 |
Ginger | 15 |
Dallas | 10.5 |
Noon – Level 2 | |
Mer | 16.5 |
Snick | 16 |
Anne | 17.75 |
Alexa | 17.75 |
Walker | 11 |
PM – Level 2 | |
Marky Marc | 16.5 |
Gil | 19 |
Gabriel | 14.5 |
Daby | 16.2 |
Erica | 11.5 |
Dayna | 10 |
Smitty | 13 |
Ryan | 15 |
Cowboy | 8.05 |
Dani | 19 |
Pinky | 13.75 |
AG | 18.5 |
Boone | 12.5 |
Gwar | 14 |