WOD 3/5

Level Two
1 RM Power Snatch

150 Wall Balls for Time

Cash Out
2:00 Minute Hip Hinge Hold

Level One (Day 10)

3×500 M Row
Rest 5:00
*Jerk skill practice during rest

All change is not growth, as all movement is not forward. -Ellen Glasgow

Squatting Lower
*Post thoughts to comments


  • The Open is here! Participants can complete this week’s WOD on Thursday during regular classes, Friday at Level 2 Open Gym, or on Saturday as a group! Learn more here. Don’t forget to enter your score into the website each week for Wes to validate!
  • Good luck to all of our Circle of Awesomeness Challengers – you’re in the home-stretch! Finish strong!
  • Congratulations to Elena Capsuto on her 1st place finish in her age group at the Get Your Rear in Gear 5K this weekend!

Level 1 – AM
Eileen 1:55
Vanessa 2:34
Sandy 2:45
Cameron 2:15
Doug 1:57
Matthew 1:50
Jurkash 1:54
Hector 1:49
Level 2 – AM
Charlie 135lb 9:33 Rx
Valyn 62lb 6:54 S1
Marissa 120lb 5:38 Rx
Steven 115lb (140) Rx
Snooki 70lb 4:36 S2
Janice 70lb 8:54 S1
Jackie 55lb 6:50 S2
JV 60lb 8:30 S1
MegO 60lb (118) S1
Celi 35lb 7:35 S2
Brandon 125lb (118) Rx
Beast 105lb 6:35 S1
Kirk 145lb 7:35 Rx
Can2 155lb 7:59 Rx
TowMatt 125lb 8:17 S1
Charlie 125lb 7:37 S1
9AM 145lb 9:10 Rx
Erica 80lb 5:16 S1
Eric 165lb 8:09 Rx
Becky 60lb 6:59 S1
Ballet 125lb 8:04 Rx
Cindy 70lb 7:28 S2
Sarah 50lb 6:19 S2
Michael 135lb 7:15 Rx
Ray 140lb 6:42 S1
Walker 98lb 7:15 S1
Trixsi 75lb 7:38 S1
Rob 135lb 8:09 Rx
Tristy 100lb 6:44 Rx
Level 2 – 12P
Erin 45lb 9:20 Rx
Christina 50lb 8:26 S1
Elena 35lb 7:00 S2
Jess 95lb 9:03 S2
Mer 55lb 6:22 S2
Stephen 130lb 7:40 S1
Level 2 – PM
Aaron 135lb DNF
Cat 90lb 6:10 S1
G 75lb 7:53 S1
Jables 90lb 8:42 Rx
Tasha 70lb 5:29 S1
Blake 155lb 10:00 Rx
Boone 200lb 7:42 Rx
Shug 65lb (109) Rx
Nic 185lb 9:43 Rx
Leah 75lb 7:16 S2
Kristin 90lb 7:38 Rx
Chrissy 85lb 7:22 S1
Danimal 117lb 9:18 S1
MadDog 55lb 6:44 S2
Irl 60lb 6:57 S2
Gary 115lb 6:48 S2
Kaz 115lb (145) Rx
Chaz 145lb 8:22 Rx
Andy 125lb 9:28 S1
Marco 165lb 9:47 Rx
Dave 125lb (135) Rx
Ryan 135lb (128) Rx
Lane 135lb 10:00 Rx
Gabriel 135lb 7:34 S2
Dane 115lb 7:02 S2
Sanchez 145lb 9:45 Rx
Jackson 135lb 8:04 Rx
KT 75lb 9:44 S1
JJ 115lb 9:42 S2
LaRosa 65lb 8:18 S1
Sleeves 165lb 7:26 Rx
Alex 155lb 8:45 Rx
Darlene 90lb 6:30 Rx
Veronica 65lb 8:22 S1
Jenna 55lb 7:08 S1
Josie 55lb (146) S2
ABC 85lb (124) Rx
Level 1 – PM
Liz G 2:44
Denise 2:14
George 1:59
Alan 1:56
Beth 2:47
Rachel 2:53
Angela 2:16
Adrian 1:44
Larry 1:50
Sam 1:50
Kolb 1:55
Odindu 1:56