WOD 3/4

friends-and-family-100410-250-thumb-250x250-773791Friends and Family Week!!!
It’s not too late to sign up! Guests of current CFA members register here!

Level 1 & Level 2
A1. DB Push Press x8x4 Rest :30
A2. DB Renegade Row Pulls x6/arm x4 Rest 1:00

12 min AMRAP
10 Wall Ball
10 MB Russian Triangles (total)
200m MB Run

Lead, follow, or get out of the way. – Thomas Paine

Meat does a body good 
*Post thoughts to comments 


All Classes
Sam 5
Shelly 3
Eileen 4
Hen 4
Schmidty 5
Nicole 5
Ryan 5
Kara 4
Janet 5
Big Spoon 5
Melissa 4
Kristi 5
9AM 4
Ben 6
Jessie 4
Sparker 4
Walker 5
Ray 5
Ginger 4
Russel 5
Ed 5
Ismael 6
Silas 5
J-Mo 5
Sarah 5
Michael 5
Ballet 5
Jeremy 5
Bradley 6
Adalai 4
Michelle 4
A-Rod 5
Ashlee 4
Mer 5
Ryan 5
Dixie 3
 Pinky 5
 Ike 4
 Lyn 4
 Ana 4
 Ebelia 3
 Nicole 4
 Michael 4
 Ginny 4
 Kat 3
 Ronak 4
 AG 4
Kevin 4
Rulin 4
Melissa 4
Garrett 4
Kline 5
Marco 4
Andre 4
Philip 6
Desiree 5
Anthony 3
Guar 4
Andy 3
Avtar 5
Shug 4
Sanchez 4
Leidy 4
Simon 4
George 5
Denise 5
Savage 4
Mer 3
Gregg 3
Darrell 5
Matt 4
Dallas 5
Morgan 4
Ruth 5
Tristan 4
Paula 4
Carlo 4
Frank 4
Kirk 4