WOD 3/5

Max Rounds in 10 Minutes
5 Muscle Ups
15 Wall Balls
25 Double Unders

*Muscle up sub = Jumping Muscle Ups x2

Cancer and Inuit Tribes

Know thy self, know thy enemy. A thousand battles, a thousand victories. –Sun Tzu 

**ANNOUNCEMENT- Keir is going to be competing in the Fittest Games Challenge on Saturday March 7th. The event starts at 8 AM @ CrossFit Central,  Boone and I will be out there supporting him and would encourage everyone else to do the same.  We will still be holding our normal Saturday Morning workout @ 10 AM.

AM Results  
Rob 5 Rounds (P/D, 15lb, Tuck Jumps)
PM Results  
 Baker 1 Round (P/D, 15 lb)
 Shane 2 Rounds (20 lb) 
 Tristy 3 Rounds (JP/JD, 15 lb, Tuck Jumps) 
Betsy 2 Rounds (JP/JD, 15  lb, Tuck Jumps)
Sherman 2 Rounds (P/JD, 20 lb)
Stacey 4 Rounds (JP/JD, 10 lb, Tuck Jumps)
Ana 2 Rounds (JP/JD, 10 lb, Tuck Jumps) 
Ashley 2 Rounds (JP/JD, 10 lb, Tuck Jumps)
Seth  3 Rounds (Jump MU, 15 lb, Tuck Jumps)


Michael “Jumping” the bar!