WOD 3/6

Friends and Family Week!!!
It’s not too late to sign up! Guests of current CFA members register here!friends-and-family-100410-250-thumb-250x250-773791

Level 1 & 2
Partner WOD
“Teams of 2”
For Time:
2 mile Relay
2K Row Relay
100 Push-ups

CrossFit: A Sisyphean Endeavor?
*Post thoughts to comments.

Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going. -Jim Ryun


Level 1 & 2
Alex & Janice 30:06
Shelly & Stephanie 23:18
Ben & Big Spoon 23:25
Melissa & Ebelia 31:29
Rublin & Sam 27:35
Brad & Dallas 20:50
Amanda & Caro 30:01
Ismael & Silas 27:55
Tow Matt & Nick 23:25
Vanessa & Sarah 30:20
Jillian & Ashlee 31:36
Ryan & Kyle 20:56
 Laila & Kayleen  31:45
 Linzi & Smitty 26:40
Alex & Victor 27:18
E-Rod & Snick 29:27
Jackie & Dixie 33:04
Bryan & Kiehler 24:22
Araceil, Cat & G 28:43
Pinky & Amber 27:24
Simon & Michael 26:46
Buck & Jarred 22:30
Alex & Robert 24:57
Nicole & Kelly 30:13
Ade & Kara 25:54
Denise & Leidy 29:32
Andre & Lori 27:35
Kristan & Ryan 31:18
Marco & Kirck 28:28
Paula & Dani 30:50
Jimmy & Carlo 28:47
Kat & Leslie 31:00