WOD 3/7

Buy in/Cash out
Supermans 3x 10 @ 1024
Band Tricep Pushdowns 3×10 @ 2020

3 Rounds
2 Snatches (Focus on speed)
rest :30
10 DB Push Press
rest :30
12 Toes to Bar
rest 2:00
*Post notes to comments


4 Rounds
400 Run
10 Overhead Squat (95 lbs, 65 lb)
10 Box Jumps (24″, 20″)
*Times Recorded

Don’t look for the big, quick improvement. Seek the small improvements day at a time. That’s the only way it happens — and when it happens it lasts. – John Wooden

Go easy on yourself
*Post thoughts to comments

-April 30th, CFA is hosting Carl Paoli’s Gymnastic Seminar. Here is more information.


February PRs!!

AM Results
Mike 13:34 (75lbs)
Mikey 14:19 (59lbs)
Steven 12:59 (65lbs)
Andrew 18:01 (65lbs)
Mego 20:24 (35lbs, 12″)
Elizabeth 15:33 (35lbs)
Colleen 14:33 (35lbs)
Jennifer 17:54 (35lbs)
9Am 18:21 (65lbs)
Bill 15:39 MOD
Tannifer 15:21 MOD
Chappy 12:41 (35lbs)
Sam 17:19 (35lbs, 20″)
Tall “D” 15:34 (45lbs)
Ray 13:43 (75lbs)
Cat 14:46 (55lbs)
Jesse 14:29 (45lbs, 20″)
Senator 17:52 (35lbs, 20″)
PM Results
Cody 12:20 Rx
Betsy 12:52 (55lb)
Jables 2875 Row
Tasha 2610 Row
G 2454 Row
David 17:28 Rx
Boone 12:47 Rx
Jeanette 15:22 (15lb)
Nugget 9:43 Rx
Sleeves 10:42 Rx
Stacey 10:45 Rx+75lb
Blake 14:06 Rx
Winner 14:18 (45lb)
Christy 12:29 (45lb)
Geno 16:52 Rx
Jordan 16:30 (15lb)
Randall 14:45 (45lb)
Fro 12:12 Rx
Leigh 10:43 (Row, +24″)
Kaz 12:10 (45lb)
Andee 14:49 (MOD)
Mike 13:43 (75lb)
Jessica 15:26 (25lb)
Elena 12:03 (15lb)
JJ 17:03 (45lb)
Jen 12:47 Rx
Anthony 18:08 (65lb)
Skipper 13:01 (65lb)
Darlene Thrusters 53lb
Carissa Thrusters 53lb
Jerry Sat (215lb, 73 HSPU)
Zoom 15:02 (35’b, +24″)
Crash 16:02 (34lb, 14″)
Megan 15:53 (45lb)
Jessica 13:03 (35lb)
Patrick 9:57 (55lb)
Mark 13;13 (MOD)
Schittone 12:42 (15lb)
Randy 17:15 (45lb, 20″)
Charlie 19:06 (45lb, 20″)
On Ramp
Jen 9:41
Erica 7:41
Joncien 7:41
Kavanski 9:41
Team Awesome 4:39
Team Medic 4:01
Team Straglers 7:49