WOD 3/8

Level Two
1 RM Clean to Thruster in 15 Minutes

5 RM Front Squat (Three attempts)

Annie (15 Minute Cap)

Level One (Day 12)
A. Deadlift x3x5 Rest 1:00
B. Front Rack Reverse Lunges x6-8/Legx3 Rest 1:00

“Our most basic instinct is not for survival but for family. Most of us would give our own life for the survival of a family member, yet we lead our daily life too often as if we take our family for granted.” – Paul Pearshall

Do Perfect Foods Exist?
*Post thoughts to comments


  • The Open is here! Participants can complete this week’s WOD (12.3) on Friday during All Level and Open Gym times or on Saturday as a group! Learn more here. Don’t forget to enter your score into the website each week for Wes to validate!
  • Good luck to all of our Circle of Awesomeness Challengers – you’re in the home-stretch! Finish strong!
  • Are you ready for Circle of Awesomeness Fiesta’s Pizza Cook-Off? Please let us know if you are planning on participating!

AM – Level 1
Eileen S
Mischka S
Denise S
Natalie S
John S
Zach S
Doug S
AM – Level 2
Stephanie 55lb 55lb 11:54 S
Robin 95lb 93lb 10:53 Rx
Beast 123lb 153lb 8:55 S
Albert 175lb 205lb 10:56 S
Bubbles Skill 13:16 S
Elizabeth 90lb 100lb 11:37 S
Janice 95lb 105lb 8:06 Rx
Haley 55lb 55lb 12:42 S
Sarah 60lb 65lb 14:58 S
Cindy 85lb 90lb (1+26) S
Charlie 155lb 165lb 10:15 S
Faraon 155lb 165lb 9:51 S
Michael 165lb 175lb 10:15 S
Tow Matt 165lb 165lb 9:20 Rx
JJ 155lb 155lb 14:19 S
Valyn 75lb 90lb 10:06 S
9AM 175lb 190lb 12:24 S
Mike Open 4 +15
Ivan Open 5 +15
MegO Open 0 +27
JV Open 1 +25
Erica Open 4 +26
Schittone Open 4 +7
Mikey Open 5 +24
Ray Open 5 +16
Edward Skill 13:33 S
Hector Skill 13:12 S
Adam Skill 13:06 S
Thurst 90lb 90lb 10:15 S
Christina 75lb 70lb 12:06 S
AM – Ladies’
Emily 75lb 95lb 13:34 S
Josie 65lb 90lb (555) S
Trixsi 85lb 110lb 8:13 S
Jenny 85lb 105lb 9:30 S
LV 95lb 85lb 10:41 S
12P – Level 1
Angela S
Brock S
Taylor S
Barb S
Stephen Open 3 +23
Snooki Open 3 +30
PM – Level 2
Matthew Skill 145lb 12:14 S
Gabriel Skill 145lb 9:37 S
Kiehl 165lb 165lb 8:23 S
Brittani Skill 65lb 8:37 S
Shug 78lb 93lb 9:29 S
Winner 80lb 93lb 8:37 S
Leah 90lb 100lb 12:03 S
Aaron 155lb 175lb 10:58 S
Colleen 105lb 110lb 9:39 S
Kavi 155lb 160lb 11:09 S
Gary 130lb 140lb 10:11 S
Kaz 125lb Skill
Elena 67lb 67lb 8:35 S
ABC 125lb 140lb 10:19 S
Cooey 135lb 135lb 14:33 S
LaRos 85lb 95lb 10:25 S
Fro 195lb 205lb 11:57 Rx
David 175lb 165lb 6:40 Rx
Veronica 90lb 100lb 10:56 S
Chrissy 90lb 115lb 10:05 S
Mrs. Fro 67lb 67lb 14:59 S
Greg 175lb 180lb 8:50 Rx
Wood 235lb 11:46 Rx
Jables Open 5 +15
Crash Open 0 +27
Sanchez Open 4 +22
Sam Open 1 +21
LG Open 0 +8
Andy Open 3 +20
AG Open 5 +33
Jenna Open 1 +15
PM – Level 1
Tanya S
Beth S
Raquel S
Vanessa S
Pam S