WOD 4/12

Buy In/Cash Out
Accumulate 2:00 of Monster Walks

Strength WOD
A. Press+Push Press x1+2×5 by feel (increase from last week)
B. Squat x2x5 @85%
C. Deadlift x2x5 @75-80%
*1-3 Chest to bar strict chin-ups @ 2012 b/t squat and deadlift sets (add weight if needed)

Give to every human being every right that you claim for yourself. -Robert Green Ingersoll

*Post thoughts to comments

– Its finally here CrossFit Austin MENS night.  TODAY,  April 12 at
Fogo de Chao $35 all you can eat meat Please sign up in MBO by NOON TODAY, so we can make a reservation.
-The next round of OLYMPIC LIFTING classes with Chad Vaughn starts this Thursday, April 14th.  Sign up here!
-Free WOD, Saturday April 23rd at 11:00am.  Sign your friends and family up here!
-HAPPY HOUR at Little Woodrows, Thursday April 28th at 7:30pm.  Yes, that’s right…it’s STEAK night again!! 
-April 30th, CFA is hosting Carl Paoli’s Gymnastic Seminar.
Here is more information.

Watch out!  The ladies of CFA showin their guns!

AM Results

12:00 (55lbs)

Nick S
9am S
MG Jenny S
Kirk S
Melicious S
Snooki S
Kristin S
Stephen S
Tall “D” S
Rookie S
Lance S
Natalie S
Stephanie 11:09 (45lbs)