WOD 4/12


Pub Run time!  Dress like a Rock Star and meet all of CFA at Town Lake  (by the water coolers on Riverside and 1st) at 6:45 p.m.!
*Don’t worry, we won’t be running for time*

All Levels
At a steady pace:
2 Rounds
2:00 Wall Balls
2:00 Rest
2:00 Kip Pull-ups
2:00 Rest
2:00 Unweighted Step-ups
2:00 Rest
2:00 Push Press @ 75 lb, 55 lb
2:00 Rest
2:00 Singles
2:00 Rest
*Record total reps for each exercise

Counter Point – Debunking Paleo, a Wolf’s eye view
*Post thoughts to comments

“Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor.” – Truman Capote


The Beal’s, making CrossFit a family affair!


AM – All Levels 
Todd 815 Rx
Schmidty 633
Kara 850
Big Spoon 773 Rx
Janice 798
Juan Carlos 802
Maureen 773
JV 753
Meggie 744
Valyn 535
Ballet 561
Jillian 746
Jose 456
Big Easy 792
Ismael 788
Ed 629
MegO 856
Ryan 759 Rx
Anna 750
Patrick 676 Rx
Suzi 661
Gregg 730
Robert 738
Jo 654
Jeri 776
Dayna 821
Russell 786
Lori 607
Mer 878
Noon – All Level 
Smitty 734
Dustin 725 Rx
Walker 885
Gil 1050
Ana 386
Carolina 499 Rx
Dave 863 Rx
Evan 619
Raj 416
Zach 501
Ross 430
Marc 767 Rx