WOD 4/12
Pub Run time! Dress like a Rock Star and meet all of CFA at Town Lake (by the water coolers on Riverside and 1st) at 6:45 p.m.!
*Don’t worry, we won’t be running for time*
All Levels
At a steady pace:
2 Rounds
2:00 Wall Balls
2:00 Rest
2:00 Kip Pull-ups
2:00 Rest
2:00 Unweighted Step-ups
2:00 Rest
2:00 Push Press @ 75 lb, 55 lb
2:00 Rest
2:00 Singles
2:00 Rest
*Record total reps for each exercise
Counter Point – Debunking Paleo, a Wolf’s eye view
*Post thoughts to comments
“Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor.” – Truman Capote
AM – All Levels | |
Todd | 815 Rx |
Schmidty | 633 |
Kara | 850 |
Big Spoon | 773 Rx |
Janice | 798 |
Juan Carlos | 802 |
Maureen | 773 |
JV | 753 |
Meggie | 744 |
Valyn | 535 |
Ballet | 561 |
Jillian | 746 |
Jose | 456 |
Big Easy | 792 |
Ismael | 788 |
Ed | 629 |
MegO | 856 |
Ryan | 759 Rx |
Anna | 750 |
Patrick | 676 Rx |
Suzi | 661 |
Gregg | 730 |
Robert | 738 |
Jo | 654 |
Jeri | 776 |
Dayna | 821 |
Russell | 786 |
Lori | 607 |
Mer | 878 |
Noon – All Level | |
Smitty | 734 |
Dustin | 725 Rx |
Walker | 885 |
Gil | 1050 |
Ana | 386 |
Carolina | 499 Rx |
Dave | 863 Rx |
Evan | 619 |
Raj | 416 |
Zach | 501 |
Ross | 430 |
Marc | 767 Rx |