WOD 4/13

All Levels
A1. Back Squat x 5 x 5 @ 70-75% RPE 8 Rest 1:00
A2. MB Under Hand Throws (Height) x 2 x 5 Rest 2:00

3 Rounds
50m Broad Jumps
15 KB Swings American

Cash Out
V-ups x 10 x 4 Rest 1:00
Partner GH Raises x 4 x 4 Rest 1:00


  • The CFA Regionals team will be having a little friendly competition tomorrow with the lovely folks from the Bayou City CrossFit Team. Come out to watch the WODs at 10:00am and 11:30am!
  • We’ve started a new morning and evening bootcamp at 1379 Running @ Arbor Trails! Learn more here.
  • Get those tube socks out! TONIGHT is our “Risky Run” Pub Run! We hope to see you there… More details here. 

AM – All Levels
Gabriel 11:02
Steven 10:25
Sean 10:30
Mikey 9:51
Janice 10:33
Jo 11:54
Michele 11:58
Valyn 11:33
Erica 10:32
Teeny 11:49
Schittone 9:32
Hector 10:56
Holland 9:38
Rob 10:07
Tow 10:31
Can2 WTF
Reis 10:40
Guthrie 10:46
Amy C 9:44
Kiehl 9:37
Walker 11:35
Michael S
Lee 10:23
Alan 9:42
Ray 10:05
Mer 12:24
Michelle 11:01
Jeff 9:51
Jenny 9:50
12P- All Levels
Lane Team 42:55
Lance Team 42:55
Danny Team 42:55
Cat 13:30
Jamey 11:15
Heather 12:04
Thurst 12:01
Snooki 15:00
Stefan 14:10
Fernando 13:41
Melissa 13:59
Janet 10:30
Desiree 13:28
Todd 12:35
Angela 10:18