WOD 4/14

Buy In/Cash Out
Accumulate 2:00 of Monster Walks

5 Rounds
10 Heavy Russian Swings
rest :30
10 Step-ups/leg (Unweighted)
rest :30
Max L-Sit Holds
rest :30


5 Rounds
:40 Row @ 70% Effort
:20 Rest
:40 Dumbell Push Press (35 lb, 20 lb)
:20 Rest
:40 Kip Chin-up
:20 Rest

All problems become smaller if you don’t dodge them, but confront them. – William F. Halsey

*Post thoughts to comments

-Free WOD, Saturday April 23rd at 11:00am.  Sign your friends and family up here!
-HAPPY HOUR at Little Woodrows, Thursday April 28th at 7:30pm.  Yes, that’s right…it’s STEAK night again!! 
-April 30th, CFA is hosting Carl Paoli’s Gymnastic Seminar.
Here is more information.

Elizabeth showin off her mad ball tossin skillz!