WOD 4/14

3 Rounds
30 KB/DB Snatches (24K, 16K)
30 Abmat Sit-ups
30 Push-ups

*30 Right Handed, 30 Left handed

For glory gives herself only to those who have always dreamed of her. Charles de Gaulle

CrossFit in the Statesman

**ANNOUNCEMENT**- If you are interested in looking better, feeling better, or being a better CrossFitter you should be attending our Nutrition Seminar this Saturday.  Please RSVP to the comments.


Congrats to Kristin for getting her first kipping pull-up yesterday (no band)!

AM Results
Blake 15:28 (15 lb DB)
Andrew 16:00 (12 K KB)
Melanie 14:39 (10 lb DB, KPU)
Meredith 14:48 (PVC, KPU)
PM Results
Boone 28:41 Rx
Tristy 14:51 (20lb, KPU)
Kristin 15:50 (15lb, KPU)
Stacey 14:49 (20lb)
Betsy 15:59 (20lb, KPU)
Michael 21:59 (12k)
Keir 16:26 (16k)
Wes 16:50 Rx
Megan 18:38 (20lb, KPU)
Sherman 18:09 (12k)
Ashely 17:13 (15lb, KPU)
Seth 18:36 (20lb)
Linda 4:27 (30 ROM Squats, 400m Row)
Mark 6:06 (40 ROM Wall Balls: 20lb, 500m Row)