WOD 4/18

Buy In/Cash Out
2:00 Minutes of shin against the wall stretch

5 Sets
Hip Snatch+Hang Snatch (above the knee) x2+1  
Rest 2:00
*Post weights to comments


4 Rounds
400 M run
5 Handstand Push-ups or :30 Handstand Holds
10 DB or KB Snatches/Arm (55 lb, 35 lb)
*time recorded

Happiness is the absence of the striving for happiness. -Zhuangzi

Barefoot Running
*Post thoughts to comments

-NEW CLASS HOURS: starting this week, April 21st, our Thursday morning class hours will be 5:30, 6:30 and 7:30am. 
-Free WOD, this Saturday, April 23rd at 11:00am.  Sign your friends and family up
-HAPPY HOUR at Little Woodrows, Thursday April 28th at 7:30pm.  Yes, that’s right…it’s STEAK night again!!
-April 30th, CFA is hosting Carl Paoli’s Gymnastic Seminar. Here is more information.

Skipper just hanging out

AM Results
Mike 16:14 (35lbs, Holds)
Mikey 17:29 (35lbs, Holds)
Mego 21:46 (15lbs, Holds)
Erica 14:22 (3 Rnds, 20lbs, Holds)
Jennifer 19:00 (20lbs, Holds)
Nick 14:34 Rx
Melicious 16:12 (20lbs, Holds)
Rob 14:42 (35lbs, HSPU)
Ginger 18:47 (12lbs, Holds)
Tall “D” 17:34 (20lbs, Holds)
Cat 18:20 (30lbs, Holds)
Liz 20:20 (Holds)
JP 17:17 Rx
Jables 15:42 (20lb, Holds)
Colleen 15:15 (15lbs, Holds)
Jesse 17:38 (20lbs, Holds)
Angela 16:52 (20lbs, Holds)
John D. 17:38 (30lbs, Pike)
Fro 15:40 (50lbs, Holds)
Blake 17:13 Rx
Sam 14:23 (3 Rnds, 20lbs, Holds)
Rhiannan 18:46 (15lbs, HOlds)
Jeanette 16:26 (15lbs, Pike)
Natalie 18:08 (10lbs, Pike)
Lance 19:30 (30lbs, Hold)
Andre 21:36 (20lbs, Pike)
Walker 15:50 (20lbs, Hold)
Nugget 12:27 Rx
Jon 14:40 Rx
Winner 15:56 (20lbs, Holds)
Geno 20:47 Rx
JV 16:42 (12lbs, Holds)
Elena 13:52 (10lbs, Holds)
Uzi 14:06 MOD
Skipper 13:54 (12K)
Michael 14:21 (35lbs, Holds)
Leigh 16:07 (16K, Holds)
Anthony 19:50 (16K, Holds)
Letty 16:31 (15lbs, Pike hold)
Alex 16:10 (Holds)
Sleeves 12:59 Rx
Stacey 15:13 MOD
Matthew 14:31 (3 Rnds MOD)
Zoom 17:10 MOD
Megan 15:47 (15lbs, Holds)
Jerry 12:54 (16K)
Crash 17:56 (15lbs, Holds)
Patrick 14:20 (35lbs, ROM)
Jessica 14:21 (20lbs, Holds)
Sanjay 16:33 (20lbs, Pike)
Dain 13:48 (35lbs, Holds)
Ray 12:01 (30lbs)