WOD 4/2

Level Two (Max Out Monday!)
In 15 mins, find 3RM Hip Power Snatch
*Weight Recorded, No More than 2 misses allowed, ideally no misses

3 Rounds
400m Run
15 Ring Rows
15 KB Swings American
*Post notes to comments

Level One (Day 9)

A1. Hip Snatch (Power or Full) x2x3
B1. Deadlift x3x3 Rest 1:00
B2. RPU/Dips x2-4×3 Rest 1:00
C1. Step-ups x5x3 Rest :45
C2. Kip Pull-ups x4-6 x3 Rest :45

You can’t do anything about the length of your life, but you can do something about its width and depth. – Shira Tehrani

Cooling down: The best ending to a great workout
*Post thoughts to comments


  • A new morning and evening bootcamp starts today at 1379 Running @ Arbor Trails on April 2nd! Learn more here.
  • Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Wes Kimball!!! We’re so happy for the two of you!

AM – Level 1
Lindsey S
Andrew S
Jurkash S
Sandy S
Linda S
Wade S
AM – Level 2
Charlie 115lb 10:56
MegO 60lb 13:36
Mike 125lb 9:50
Mikey 135lb 12:06
Brandon 105lb 11:07
Michael 135lb 10:05
Ballet 95lb 9:28
Becky 40lb 12:12
Reis 135lb 10:15
Colleen 60lb 10:15
Guthrie 115lb 11:07
Michele MOD
Vicki 70lb 10:36
Ray 125lb 10:47
Walker 83lb 10:42
12P – Level 2
Can2 135lb 11:02
Jesse 105lb 11:20
Blake 150lb 10:23
Cat 73lb 11:44
Parnell 125lb 10:08
Wood 125lb 10:16
Lance S
PM – Level 2
Chaz S
Angela 60lb 11:52
G 65lb 10:50
Randy 125lb 10:53
Tasha 60lb 9:51
Nic 145lb 8:02
Ed 105lb 12:28
Mer 45lb 11:04
Tristy 100lb 10:39
Dan 105lb 10:05
ABC 65lb 10:19
Mad Dog 45lb 10:05
Schittone 100lb 9:26
Paul 80lb 13:22
Level 1-PM
 Alan S
Jon S
Stormye S
Loren S
Jeff S
Eric S
Jamey S
Tanya S
Todd S
Duffy S
Mr. T S
Janet S
Denise S
Johanna S
Murray S
Missy S
Rachel S
Lauren S
Fran S
George S
Pam S
Alyson S