WOD 4/25

Buy In/Cash Out
:90 Plank Hold /side (accumulate :90/side if needed)

Hang Snatch Waveload
*Rest 4:00 b/t sets
*Work on Kip Swings or CTB Pull-ups during the rest time
*try to increase the weight at each rep scheme
*Post notes to comments


5:00 AMRAP
5 Russian Swings (32K, 24K)
5 Push-ups

Kindness, I’ve discovered, is everything in life. -Isaac Bashevis Singer

Health in the Womb
Post thoughts to comments

-Carl Paoli’s Gymnastic Seminar is this Saturday. Don’t miss it sign up  Here (We will have no Saturday workouts)
-HAPPY HOUR at Little Woodrows, Thursday April 28th at 7:30pm.  Yes, that’s right…it’s STEAK night again!!
– Murph 2011 is here!

Snooki knocking out some toes to bar

AM Results
Mike 10 Rx
Mikey 6 Rx
Mego 6 (16K, KPU)
Erica 7 (12K, KPU)
Elizabeth 10 (12K, KPU)
MG Jenny 7 (12K, KPU)
Matt 13 (16K)
Chaz 9 Rx
Nick 11 Rx
9am 8 (24K)
Rob 11 Rx
Chris 7 (16K, KPU)
Tall “D” 9 (20K)
Ray 12 (24K)
Kim 8 (12K, KPU)
Stephen 9 Rx
Colleen 11 (16K, KPU)
Dana 9 (12K, KPU)
Kristin 6 Rx
Heather 10 (16K, KPU)
Cat 9 Rx
Kirk 11 Rx
Jesse 8 (24K)
Snooki 12 (12K, KPU)
Danielle 8 (16K, KPU)
Yaz 8 (20lbs)
PM Results
Blake 13 Rx
Janss 10 Rx
Miguel 15 Rx
David 11 Rx
Cody 9 (24k)
Andre 7 (16k)
Betsy 11 Rx
G 8 (16k)
Fro 10 (24k)
Ryan 9 (24k)
Stacey 12 Rx+32k
Winner 10 (KPU)
Amy 7 (16k)
Randy 6 (24k)
Jessica 9 (16k)
Sleeves 12 Rx
Leigh 12 Rx+32k
Jenn 9 (12k, KPU)
Jenny A. 9 (12k, KPU)
Alex 10 (24k)
J.V. 10 (12k, KPU)
Letty 10 (12k)
Dain 11 (20k)
Michael 13 (24k)
Lizy 11 (24k)
Patrick 18 (24k)
Young 10 (20k)
Schittone 10 (24k)
Ross 11 (24k)
Matthew 10 (16k)
Zoom 7 (16k, KPU)
Teeny 13 (12k, KPU)
Megan 8 (16k)
Lana 11 (12k, KPU)
Jerry 12 Rx
Carissa 7 Rx
Sanjay 10 (16k, KPU)
On Ramp
Danny 7:29