WOD 4/25

Level Two
10:00 AMRAP

20 Speed Skaters
10 Kip Pull ups
10 DB Thrusters (40lb, 25lb)

5:00 Rest

1k Row (Max effort)

Level One (Day 6)
Front Squats

A. Lift off+DL x3+2×3 Rest :90
B. Front Squat x4x3 @ 32X3 Rest :45
C1. Unweighted Step-ups x6/leg x2 Rest :45
C2. Chin-ups x6-12×2 Rest :45

Having Bad Days in the Gym? Break the Cycle!
*Post thoughts to comments

What distinguishes the majority of men from the few is their ability to act accordingly to their beliefs.” – Henry Miller 


  • We will have a modified class schedule this week. For more details, click here.
  • Got an exciting new PR you want on the leader board? Be sure to fill out a PR slip and give it to Caitlyn to chalk it up!
It’s a Fros face-off!
Level 1 – AM
Lindsay S
Caitlin S
Sarah S
Amber S
Abbi S
Anessa S
Brian S
Sean S
AM – Level 2 Rnds Row
Can2 4 Rx 3:48
Brandon 3 (J) 3:59
Beast 3 Rx 4:29
Janice 5 (J, 20lb) 4:22
Celi 4 (J, 10lb) 5:30
Sparker 4 (J) 4:21
Jackie 5 (J, 20lb) 5:09
MegO 4 (J, 15lb) ?
Ivan 5 Rx 3:46
Eric 5 (30lb) 3:51
Eileen 4 (MOD) 4:00
Tow Matt 5 Rx 3:59
Tim 4 Rx 3:52
Ballet S
Michael S
Rob 6 Rx 3:50
Cooey 4 (J, 20lb) 4:30
Sam 3 (25lb) 3:41
Colleen 6 (15lb) 4:28
Linda 5 (J, 10lb) 4:50
Christina 5 (J. 15lb) 4:47
Gary 4 (25lb) 3:54
12P – Level 2
Kristin 4 Rx 4:20
Angela 5 (15lb) 4:52
Kiehl 4 (35lb) 4:11
Ryan 5 (30lb) 3:51
Adam 6 (25lb) 4:05
Lance S
PM – Level 2
Jables 4 (20lb) 4:05
Ed 3 (J, 30lb) 4:53
Sherman 4 (35lb) 4:14
Jeff 3 (20lb) 4:26
Pinky 7 (MOD) 4:44
Cat 4 Rx 5:17
Blake 5 Rx 4:24
Brandon 4 (MOD) 3:58
LG 5 (J, 20lb) 4:31
Kaz 4 (MOD) 3:43
Kline 6 (30lb) 4:47
Helen 6 (J, 10lb) 5:55
Jenna 6 (J, 15lb) 5:09
PM – Level 1
Stormye S
Alan S
Eric S
Tanya S
John S
Loren S
Natalia S
Janet S
Gadiel S
Matthew S
Lauren S
Rachel S
Alyson S
Jo S
Money S