WOD 4/28

100 Thrusters (95 lb, 65 lbs)

We must build dikes of courage to hold back the flood of fear.Martin Luther King, Jr.

High Insulin and Heart Disease


Sunny setting up for the deadlift!

AM Results
Rebekah 10:07 (10 lb Wall Balls ROM)
Rob 14:13 (75 lb)
Blake 15:54 (75 lb)
Kristin 10:02 (45 lb)
Daniel 10:12 (55 lb)
PM Results
Boone 13:29 Rx
Betsy 9:27 (45lb)
Stacey 11:25 Rx
Ashley 7:45 (15lb)
Mark 7:55 (150xPVC ROM)
Aurelia 6:45 (75x15lb ROM)
Megan 9:48 (45lb)
Seth 12:42 (75lb)
Stephen 11:13 (45lb)