WOD 4/3

Level Two
A1. Press x5x5 @ 70% RPE 7 Rest 1:00
A2. Kip Pull-ups x3x5 (Hold 2 sec/ Push away) Rest 1:00

4 Rounds
5 DB Power Snatch/Arm (From the Ground) (45lb/25lb)
5 Burpees Toes to Bar
30 Double Unders

Cash out
Farmer Walks x100m x 3 (Heavy) Rest 2:00

Level One (Day 10)

3×500 M Row
Rest 5:00
*Jerk skill practice during rest

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” -Mark Twain

Sleep Will Make You A Better Athlete
*Post thoughts to comments


  • A new morning and evening bootcamp starts this week at 1379 Running @ Arbor Trails on April 2nd! Learn more here.
  • Mark your calendars: CFA will have a “Risky Run” Pub Run on April 13th… More details coming soon!
Gary skiing near Salt Lake City, Utah . Thanks for sharing the great pic, Gary!
AM – Level 1
Eric R 2:22 2:20 2:14
Allison B 2:24 2:28 2:23
Sandy 2:36 2:33 2:32
Jen S 2:36 2:23 2:23
AM – Level 2
Mikey 8:15 Rx
Bubbles 11:31 Scale
Sparker 9:58 Scale
Steven 9:18 Scale
JV 9:57 Scale
Elizabeth 11:11 Scale
Charlie 8:48 Scale
Can2 9:04 Scale
9AM 9:52 Scale
Ballet 9:05 Scale
Michael 7:59 Scale
Guthrie ?
Valyn 9:55 Scale
Erica 9:05 Rx
Tow Matt 9:44 Scale
Kirk 9:05 Rx
Chris 7:22 Scale
Colleen 9:15 Scale
Sam ?
Ray 9:43 Rx
Lexi 8:24 Scale
Suzi 11:16 Scale
Thurst 13:43 Scale
Kiehl 10:07 Scale
AM – Ladies’
Michelle 9:42 Scale
Mer 8:55 Scale
Chapel 11:00 Scale
Meg 10:14 Scale
Caitlyn 10:32 Scale
Jenny 8:44 Scale
Emily 11:06 Scale
Josie 11:10 Scale
12P – Level 1
Alan 1:57 2:01 2:02
Brock 1:39 1:50 1:54
Melissa 2:15 2:26 2:28
Jess 1:50 1:59 2:10
Dylan 1:53 1:53 1:59
Tanya 2:32 2:24 ?
Fernando 2:21 2:44 3:02
Murray 2:09 2:05 2:10
Bianca 2:45 3:04 3:02
Anna 2:33 2:52 2:50
PM – Level 2
Boone 7:39 Rx
G 9:46 Scale
Dan 10:03 Scale
Marissa 8:54 Scale
Crash 10:49 Scale
Desiree 9:46 Scale
Tasha 8:15 Scale
Nic 6:19 Scale
Dillard 6:58 Rx
Nicole 9:32 Scale
Sanchez 7:48 Rx
Sleeves 5:58 Rx
AG 10:13 Rx
Shug 9:53 Scale
Greg 8:29 Rx
Wood 10:51 Scale
Helen 9:23 Scale
Mego 10:16 Scale
Reis 6:52 Rx
Anthony 9:44 Scale
Vanessa 12:10 Scale