WOD 4/7

4 Rounds
Dips 6-8 
rest 1:00 
Split Squats 6-8 
rest 1:00


7 Rounds
:20 Burpees  (as fast as possible try to hit the same number each round maintaining a 95% effort)
:40 Rest
:20 Double Unders
:40 Rest
:20 Row  (Perfect mechanics recovery effort)
:40 Rest  
*Record the highest most consistent round of burpees

A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new. -Albert Einstein

Better Mobility
*Post thoughts to comments

– Its finally here CrossFit Austin MENS night.  Next Tuesday April 12 at Fogo de Chao $35 all you can eat meat Please sign up in MBO so we can make a reservation. 
-April 30th, CFA is hosting Carl Paoli’s Gymnastic Seminar. Here is more information

PM Results
David 10×7 Rx
Winner 8×6 Rx
“G” 8×6 Rx
O’Dell 11×4 Rx
John D. 7×4 Rx
Cat 9×5 Rx
Amy 7×3 (sprawls)
Jeff 5×5 (sprawls)
Geno 10×7 Rx
Jeanette 8×6 Rx
Heather 8×7 Rx
Randall 7×3 Rx
Jordan 8×6 Rx
Danielle 10×3 Rx
Arnie 7×5 Rx
Fro 11×4 Rx
Vero 5×4 Rx
Ross 7×5 Rx
Eric 10×4 Rx
Dain 9×5 Rx
Nugget 12×7 Rx
Stephanie 8×4 Rx
Young 10×6 Rx