WOD 5/13

Weighted Chin-ups 3 x AMRAP  (Goal is 1/3 of Bodyweight rest 3 Minutes between attempts)
*Post Chin-up numbers and weights to comments


3 Rounds
15 Unbroken Thrusters
30 Abmat Sit-ups
3:00 Rest

You can’t manufacture Inspirado… it arise from stillness of quitude. When your heart mingles with your soul, oh man, they do the dance. -Tenacious D

Not an issue of Paleo vs. Not Paleo

– There are still spots available for the  Whole 9 Nutrition Workshop on Saturday, May 22nd.
Email Me for your free assessment

AM Results  
Bill 12:23 (45lb)
Eddie 12:19 (45lb)
Chaz 12:36 (65lb)
Jables 11:00 (45lb)
Rob 11:04 (95lb)
PM Results  
Claire 11:00 (40lb)
Ryan 12:00 (75lb)
Peter 12:31 (85lb)
Jess 11:05 (20lb DB)
Jerry 10:31 (85lb)
Winner 10:48 (40lb)
Alex 12:32 (80lb, 34 reps)
LG 12:37 (45lb, 35 reps)
Darlene 12:23 (45lb)
Ali 12:57 (77lb)
Carissa 11:21 (40lb)
On Ramp  
Team WOD 8:49