WOD 5/13

Performance (Level 2) – Week 1 of 8  “Aerobic/Strength Foundation”
A. Deadlift x3x5 rest 1:00
B. WTD Chin ups x3x5 rest 1:00
*Choose a weight that moves quickly when maximal force is applied to the weight. “Speed weight”
2 Rounds
:20 Rocket Jumps
Rest 1:40
:20 Speed Skaters
Rest 1:40
4 Rounds
(Max Distance in 20 secs )
Resisted Tire Sprints (35lbs, 25lbs)
Rest 2 mins
*Total distance covered recorded

Foundations (Level 1)
Jump Progressions (Ankle Bounce, Pogo, rocket,  box jumps)
EMOM Alternating for 10:00
Even: 3 Box Jumps w/step down
Odd: 3 Half Kneeling DB/KB Press/arm
EMOM Alternating for 10:00
Even: 3 DB/KB Front Squats @ 33×1
Odd: 3 Ring Rows

Eating veggies is something I struggle with. I’m a meat and potatoes guy and am notorious for skimping on the greens. Today’s article is a concise graph of how to best prepare veggies by different means. Print it off and put it in your kitchen so we (myself included) have one less excuse when it comes to eating our veggies! – Coach Wes 

Veggie Cooking Cheats Sheet
*Post favorite veggie recipe to comments


We are going to miss you, Paula & Greg!

Ross 24″ 35#
Eric 24” 40#
Maria 20″ 25#
Tineke 16″ 25#
Emily 20″ 15#
Jose 20″ 25#
Jo 20″ 25#
Velvet 18″ 20#
John 24″ 25#
Nathan 20″ 25#
Laila 16″ 20#
Valerie 12″ 5#
Shledon 30″ 45#
Brandy 16″ 25#
Ana 20″ 20#
Evan 30″ 45#
Snoop 20″ 25#
Fry 30″ 40#
Darrel 24″ 25#
Christi 12″ 10#
Taylor 24″ 25#
Performance- AM
Melo 200m
Kristi 200m
Todd 350m
BigSpoon 375m
Carlos 225m
Ken 225m
Gwar Row
Jeff 300m
Ismael 300m
Sarah 300m
Red 200m
Jillian 250m
Ed 250m
Ballet 300m
Page 325m
Ryan 300m
JJ 300m
Ray 200m
Michele Airdyne
Performance – PM
Mer 220m
Jeff 280m
Patrick 320m
Avtar 255m
Dixie 311m
Gene 345m
John 339m
Gil 230m
Amber 295m
Robert 300m
Kavi 325m
AG 355m
Melissa K. 100m
David S. 325m
Pam 240m
Shug 295m
Jeanette 150m
Zach 325m
Aaron 350m
ABC 250m
Bradley 400m
Ryan 300m
Pinky 230m
Denise 200m
C2 325m
Nicole 305m
KJ 225m
Can2 350m
Andy 360m
Mr. T 325m
Kristan C. 200m
Ryan C. 335m
Chris 350m
Turk 400m
Sanchez 400m
Desiree 275m
George 250m