WOD 5/14

Level Two
Snatch Balance x2x6 sets @ RPE 9, 90% Rest 3:00

3 Rounds for Quality
10 DB Snatches total (55 lb, 35 lb)
20 UB Wall Balls (10′)
Hill Sprint (Sprint up, Walk Down)
*Completed Snatch Balance Sets at 90% recorded

Extra Credit:
Back Squat x3x4 @ 80% (focus on depth and mechanics)

Level One (Day 1)
Body Positioning Holds

3 Rounds
:45 50 yard Shuttle runs Rest :15
:45 5 Push-ups/5 Squats Rest :15
*Record number of runs

Extra Credit:
Shin against the wall Stretch

Is It Primal? – 10 Foods Scrutinized
*Post thoughts to comments

“A “No” uttered from the deepest conviction is better than a “Yes” merely uttered to please, or worse, to avoid trouble.” Gandhi


  • Our new morning Jog’N’Joe Running Classes will be starting up next week! Learn more here!
  • Murph Day is coming, so mark your calendars for June 16th! (Details soon!)
  • Got an exciting new PR you want on the leader board? Be sure to fill out a PR slip and give it to Caitlyn to chalk it up!
AM – Level 1
Egan 18
Sean 20
Zodi 8
Lauren 17
Amy 4
Natalia 9
Caitlin 11
AM – Level 2
Kristin 75lb
Charlie 95lb
Celi 29lb
Marc 95lb
Ivan 145lb
Tim 160lb
MegO 52lb
Brandon 95lb
Eileen 35lb
Mike 115lb
Sparker 40lb
Leah 45lb
Valyn 57lb
Haley 45lb
Sarah 35lb
Cindy 45lb
Michael 125lb
Erica 79lb
Bryan 95lb
Becky 40lb
Gary 85lb
Jurkash 85lb
Dusty 40lb
Eric 135lb
Adam 95lb
12P – Level 2
Ryan 95lb
Lance S
E-Rod 75lb
Elizabeth 45lb
Mer 45lb
Martin 95lb
Fernando 45lb
Desiree 70lb
Blake 155lb
PM – Level 2
Angela 45lb
Randy 50lb
Colleen 55lb
Sam 75lb
Gabriel 85lb
Jables 65lb
Alan 95lb
Brandon MOD
Danimal 70lb
Jeff 70lb
UC 55lb
Shug 45lb
Crash 45lb
Lane 80lb
Jamey 95lb
Dain 105lb
Kaz 75lb
Nic 95lb
Place 90lb
Emily 50lb
KT 55lb
LG 65lb
Pam 40lb
Beast 70lb
EJ 115lb
Tasha 45lb
David 115lb
Gold 115lb
Corey 105lb
Adrian 105lb
Jo 55lb
Janet 55lb
Alyson 35lb
Rachel 35lb
Andy 95lb
Gwar 95lb
Liz G 35lb
Sanchez 95lb
ABC 65lb
Nicole 55lb
Greg 115lb
Raquel 25lb
Helen 45lb
Sean 117lb
Laila 45lb
PM – Level 1
Cowboy 9
Jacob 10
Izzy 6
Araceli 6
Missy 10
M 9
Ice E 7
DJ 6
Anessa 8
Money 8
Kelsey 10
German 10