WOD 5/15
14:00 EMOM
Min 1 – 1 Power Snatch @ 90-100%
Min 2 – 3/arm Half Kneeling SA DB/ KB Press
*Sets across for both exercises, Increase press weight by 2-5% from last week
Open 11.4
10 minute AMRAP
60 Bar Facing Burpees
30 Overhead Squats @ 120 / 90 / 45
10 Muscle-Ups
(Scale: 6 Ring MU-> 6-10 BMU -> 10 CTB Pull-ups –> Pull-ups Progression)
*total reps recorded
Scaling Guide:
– 0.95 – 1.3 rounds (or about 95 – 130 total reps).
– Scale Up: Use the ’round number’ on the plates: 135 / 95
Optional ‘Cash Out’:
200m run
4 rounds of cindy
200m run