WOD 5/19

A1. DB Snatch x3/arm x5 rest 1:00
A2. Russian Step-ups x5/side x5 rest 1:00
A3. Ring Static Holds :15-:30 x5 rest 1:00


5 Rounds
:20 Toes to Bar
1:40 Rest
During rest, do 1-5 HSPU

Nobody got anywhere in the world by simply being content. -Louis L’Amour

Planet Fitness
*Post thoughts to comments

– Saturday, May 21st, bring your friends and family and let them experience CrossFit for themselves!  Sign them up here for a free workout.
– Murph Day 2011 is here!
– June 25th, CFA will be hosting Mark Sisson’s, author of “The Primal Blueprint”,  Primal Accelerated Success Training seminar.  Sign up here to attend.

AM Results
Jerry 37 Rx
Tow Matt 29 Rx
MGJ 19 (V-up)
Erica 15 Rx
Walker 59 Rx
Stephen 30 Rx
Kim 50? (V-up)
Tall D. 40? (V-up)
Jennie ? (V-up)
Veronica 50? (V-up)
On Ramp
Kris 7:33 (11:23)
Caitlyn 6:36 (9:18)
Jess 6:44 (13:45)
Dustin 11:34 (16:04)
PM Results
Sherman 39
Cody 37
Liz 21
Nikki 37
Jeanette 40 KTE
Geno 45
Blake 51
Christy 46
Young 31 KTE
Eric 24
Kaz 35
On Ramp
Huston 5:26 (5:28)
Bryan 5:43 (6:25)
Chrissy 6:49 (8:02)