WOD 5/19

3 Rounds
7 Press (95 lbs, 65 lbs)
7 Burpees
17 Air Squats

Optimism, unaccompanied by personal effort, is merely a state of mind, and not fruitful.
– Edward L. Curtis

**Announcement**- We will be closed this Saturday and will only be holding morning classes on Monday for Memorial Day weekend.

Articles will be back tomorrow.


AM Results
Megan C. 5:24 (35 lb, Knee Burpees)
Laura 5:32 (35 lb, Knee Burpees)
Lyzz 4:37 (35 lb)
Stephen 4:53 Rx
Ryan 4:27 (85 lb)
Jennie 5:17 (35 lb)
PM Results
Coy 5:55 (65lb)
Blake 4:20 Rx
Kristin 6:39 Rx
Boone 3:35 Rx
Betsy 5:10 (55lb)
Melanie 6:40 (45lb)
Shane 7:32 (85lb)
Seth 3:16 Rx
Bill 6:26 (45lb, Knee Burpees)
Tristy 3:53 (45lb)
Stacey 3:42 Rx
Sherman 4:13 Rx
Anna 5:03 (35lb)
Aurelia 5:45 (25lb, Knee Burpees)
Megan T 5:34 (45lb, Knee Burpees)
Smeth 4:34 (85lb)
Julian 3:39 (50 squats, 500m Row)