WOD 5/22

From our Friends at G7 Athletics
“Get Grok”
15 Minutes and/or 3 attempts to find
Max Strict Chin-ups
*Team Total recorded


400 M Run
50 Swings (24K, 16K)
30 Box Jumps (24″, 20″)
10 Pull-ups
400 M Run
10 Pull-ups
30 Box Jumps (24″, 20″)
50 Air Squats
*Combined team time recorded

Art is anything you can get away with. -Marshall McLuhan

– The Whole 9 is coming to CFA Today! (12-4 PM)
– New Athletes Off Season Training Program starts June 6th.
Olympic Weightlifting 1 Day Seminar with Chad and Ursula June 27th

Team #1 8, 9:32
Winner (Band)
Betsy Rx
Team #2 16, 7:42
Shanan Rx
Keir Rx
Team #3 22, 9:22
Chaz Rx
Cody Rx
Team #4 20, 11:26
Matt Rx
Ali Rx
Team #5 19, 11:48
Darlene (12k, Band)
Greg (12k, Band)