WOD 5/24

Core/Scap. Strength/Squats


4 Rounds
AMRAP Double Unders in 1 Minute
400 M Sprint
*Double under reps and time recorded

I’ve got a theory that if you give 100% all of the time, somehow things will work out in the end.
-Larry Bird


– No classes Memorial Day weekend Saturday May 29th, and Monday May 31st.
– New 12 Noon class starts June 6th Monday’s, Wednesdays, and Fridays!
– New Athletes Off Season Training Program starts June 6th.
Olympic Weightlifting 1 Day Seminar with Chad and Ursula June 27th

AM Results
DUs Time
Rob 79 12:11
Kirk 88 12:03
Ray 52 12:38
Walker 50 12:31
Stephen 143 13:45 Rx
Ariel 61 12:12 (300)
Laura 315 (S) 12:15 (300)
Kim 4 12:17 (300)
Liz 448 (S) 13:06 (300)
Kristin CFM CFM
Steph 315 (S) 12:36 Rx
PM Results
DUs MetCon
Patrick 62 12:37 Rx
Cari 329 (S) 12:32 Rx
Boone 207 11:26 Rx
Shanan 178 12:22 Rx
G. 109 12:54 Rx
Tasha 10 13:28 Rx
Stacey 173 12:06
Jess 122 12:25
Blake 100 12:16
Cara DNF
Jordan 49 17:17
Fro 83 12:45
On Ramp AM
Andre 5:36
Trey 7:13
On Ramp PM
Nick DNF
Tina 7:05