WOD 5/28
All Levels
A1. 5/ side Hand Stand Shoulder Touches x 3 rest :45
A2. Turkish Get-up x5/arm x 3 rest :45
A3. 500 M Row @ 60-70% x 3 Rest :45
B1. Seat Medball Twist Throws x5/side x2 rest :45
B2. Lateral Goblet Lunges x5/sidex3 Rest :45
B3. Double Unders xAMRAP x 3 Rest :45
*2 attempts each round to get an AMRAP set
Thyroid Hormone Levels Linked to Weight Changes
*Post thoughts to comments
“Notice that the stiffest tree is most easily cracked, while the bamboo or willow survives by bending with the wind.” – Bruce Lee
- Jog’N’Joe Running Group will meet on Tuesday and Thursday mornings with FREE coffee afterwards! Learn more here!
- Murph Day is coming, so mark your calendars for June 16th! Learn more here!
- Starting June 5th, Olympic Lifting Coach Chad Vaughn will begin offering Noon classes at CFA! Get in on the action here!
- Level 3 Classes are coming to CFA. Get ready for the 2013 CrossFit Games here